Making a Difference
We serve others in numerous outreach and ministry activities including community projects and hunger projects.

Studies & Discussion Groups
Whether its a topic of the day, questions about Jesus or the Bible, or simply talking about what’s going on at school… sharing life is a big part of Youth Group!

Camp Kanuga NC
Youth soak in the beauty of the mountains at Camp Kanuga, NC. It’s a summer camp experience that creates lasting friendships and memories!

Acolytes at St. G's
Youth learn the liturgical elements of worship and become a part of the worship experience by assisting and performing ceremonial duties.

Boca Raton Interfaith Youth Association
BRIYA is a locally formed group of youth groups from varying faiths coming together, learning from one another and making a difference!

Plenty of Fun and Road Trips!
We have fun as a group and view life as a beautiful adventure! Local and out of state adventures are the norm for Youth Group!