Your capital campaign contributions are making a difference every day as the construction in the church sanctuary continues to go forward at a good pace. As you can see from the photos in our online photo gallery, a massive scaffolding will allow contractors to begin cleaning and restoring the exposed wood ceiling and prepare it to accommodate new lights and other infrastructure. Meanwhile, the ceilings in the transepts have been removed to allow for installation of air conditioning and other utilities, and for water damage repairs; the main altar area has been laid out; library walls have been removed; and all floor coverings have been removed, among other changes. The beautiful structure of our mid-century architecture can be clearly seen and more fully appreciated.   Our sanctuary plans, even reduced from our original scope because of funding, are coming to fruition and we are truly blessed.


As a further update and as explained by Chris Leonard at last Sunday’s service, it has become clear that items that we envisioned in the last phase of sanctuary/sacristy reconstruction, which has not been funded yet, should be moved up to this phase based on need, cost savings and construction efficiencies. For example, it is now apparent that our current sound system needs to be replaced; another example is that the new east hallway and entrance area should be configured now to minimize disruption and costs later. 

Several parishioners have stepped up to partially fill the gap in funding for these items. Will you also consider an additional contribution, or pledge any amount over two years for payment? Our goal is $100,000, with commitments received by July 15 so that we can finalize plans. The funds raised now will reduce the costs of the last phase and make that last construction phase less disruptive to the congregation. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the life of and worship space for St. Gregory’s.


-Nancy Stroud

Click to support the Capital Campaign.

Dawn Rahicki