I've always been a seer of alternatives. I was taught that true leadership moves projects, companies, creations, institutions, (even churches!) forward through the spiritual practice of radical optimism. Each of us has the internal capacity to not only influence the world but to change it by inspiring people to live boundless lives. And when we live this way collectively, when we place ourselves in the shoes of another person and learn to see from their perspectives in service to the common good, we too become seers of alternatives. 

I am incredibly honored to work with a staff that embodies these exact principles. And I want to say thank you. Thank you from my heart for your tireless work. I often joke that the Church is the longest lasting startup in history. And it's true. We teach and we live life in Christ here together day in and day out. From leading worship, blessing the dying, praying for the sick, maintaining our properties, feeding the hungry, teaching seekers, playing music, paying bills, running an office, solving dilemmas, to living the gospel as best we can - this is the best staff I've ever worked with. I was also taught - above all - to honor and cherish human capital. To express often and loudly my thanksgiving to the human beings who actually pull all of this work off. 

So, to Andrew, Kristen, Tim, Gena, Anita, Dawn, Steve, Nancy, and Kay: Thank you, team. Thank you for all the seen and unseen hats you wear with inspiration, determination, and laughter. Each of you truly makes a difference in this wild start-up we call Church. And the world is a better place for it.  

And all the people of God shouted, Amen!

Father Ben+ 

"Gratitude is the understanding that many millions of things come together and live together and mesh together and breathe together in order for us to take even one more breath of air…" - David Whyte

Dawn Rahicki