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We’ve heard and read over and over how the internet has changed virtually every aspect of our lives. We are presently living through times which are a testament to the powerful and life-changing influence the internet and the personal computer are having on the entire world. During this time of being apart, we’ve actually been drawn closer together in many ways through our online worship whether it be Morning Prayer, Noon Eucharist, Compline, Noon Prayer, Evening Prayer, or Sunday Worship. Through these various times of sharing together the love of Christ in this virtual world of the internet, our shared connections are often subtle, yet very powerful. Perhaps we are now reaching someone who needs to have Christ revealed in their lives, to feel a moment of solace, of comfort, of love. Perhaps without these virtual services, many who are receiving a blessing would be without. Think about that. Our online services and offerings could be making a profound difference in someone’s life. Perhaps they’ve lost their job, a loved one, or their home and they need to know that there is a God and a church who cares about them. St. Gregory’s online services are changing the lives of many whom we will never know through our sharing of the love of Christ and the love that prevails at St. Gregory’s. I’ve become aware of so many who “tune in” to our services whom I don’t know, have never met, and who may be from different states and countries. My heart swells as I see you embrace each of them and each other with your loving comments. St. Gregory’s has been making a difference in the lives of the residents of Boca Raton for over 60 years and now is making a difference in the lives of people virtually around the world. How fortunate I am to be a part of this incredible witness.  

Making A Difference


Dawn Rahicki