According to the American Heart Association, more than 350,000 people in the United States suffer from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest each year and just 12 percent survive. Statistics show that if more people knew about CPR, more lives could be saved. Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim’s chance of survival. Increasing survival from cardiac arrest is why the American Heart Association has created a variety of programs for many organizations to offer lifesaving CPR and first aid training. 


Paula and John Holgerson, members of the St Gregory’s Safety and Security Committee, are American Heart Association Instructors specializing in CPR, AED, and First Aid training. Since September 2022, John, Paula, and Head Usher David Cominole have trained over 26 of our ushers, greeters, Sunday School teachers, and staff.  


AED equipment is in the Sanctuary and Harris Hall. A fourth AED has been added to the Harris Hall 2nd floor. Bleeding control kits have been added to the classrooms, nursery, Harris Hall, and all 4 AED cabinets. One can find OSHA-approved first aid kits at the 2nd floor AED, nursery, Harris Hall, and office. 


In addition to the CPR, AED, and First Aid training, the Safety and Security Committee has trained our ushers and greeters in Security and Emergency Evacuation. The committee consists of Bill Lintz, Scott Wing, Ron Knowlton, and David Cominole, 


The Safety and Security Committee looks forward to continued training for the safety and welfare of our church family. Please look for additional CPR and AED training in the Fall. 

Dawn Rahicki