Newcomers Brunch
Newcomers brunch with Fr. Andrew and Anita Sherman enables those who are newer to the church to gather for fellowship and explore life in Christ at St. Gregory's. This is a great way to learn more about our church and congregation and to take the next steps toward deeper involvement. Email Fr. Andrew for information.

Rector's Living Water Bible Study
The Rector’s Living Water Bible Study with Fr. Andrew resumes on Wednesday, September 18 at 6 PM. This engaging and insightful Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 6:00 pm both in person and online. Email office@st-gregorys.com for more info.

The Center for Spiritual Formation with Rev. Robyn
The Center for Spiritual Formation (CSF) at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church is a learning center for adults seeking continuing education in theological studies, as well as formation in the history, theory, and practice of spirituality. The CSF provides opportunities for both practical training and theological reflection. Click here to learn more about The Center and our latest offerings.

Sacred Ground: Becoming a Beloved Community
Sacred Ground is a sensitive, prayerful resource that creates space for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue on race and racism. Click here to learn more or to register.

Thursday Women's Bible Study
Join other women in fellowship and take part in an engaging opportunity to study Holy Scripture and other spiritual works in a Christ-centered, friendship-oriented gathering. This group meets each Thursday at 1:00 pm. For more information, please email Betsy Wenzel.

Episcopal Church Women
All Episcopal women are members of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW). ECW hosts bake sales, an annual spring tea, runs the Thrift Store, provides an annual scholarship, and more! Proceeds are used not only for church ministries but also for outreach ministries to our community. The ECW gathers monthly. We warmly invite you to become a part of this thriving ministry. Please email us at office@st-gregorys.com to learn more.

Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King is an international religious order for women of the Episcopal churches. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month in Harris Hall. All women are welcome to join in this special ministry of prayer and service. Email the church office at office@st-gregorys.com to learn more about this ministry.

The Brothers of St. Gregory's
The Brothers of St. Gregory’s provides “Men’s Time Out,” enabling the men of the parish and their friends to join together in a meaningful ministry and fellowship. Join us for Fellowship Breakfast after the 10 AM service on the second Sunday of each month (resuming in the Fall). Email the church office at office@st-gregorys.com to learn more or to become part of this important ministry.

Men's Spirituality Group
This men's group gatherings Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am on Zoom to explore and deepen our relationship with God in Christ through mutual support, prayer, and conversation. Book studies and other reflection material guides and frames our conversation together. All men are welcome to join.